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Andrée Grau was subject area leader for dance and music at the University of Roehampton University, London. She was professor of the anthropology of dance, convener of the M.A. in dance anthropology, and convener of Erasmus Mundus, Choreomundus: International Master in Dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage. Dr. Grau earned her M.A. in ethnomusicology (1979) and Ph.D. in social anthropology (1983), from Queen's University, Belfast, based on fieldwork among the Venda of South Africa and the Tiwi of Northern Australia. She coedited Europe Dancing: Perspectives on Theatre Dance and Cultural Identity, with Stephanie Jordan (2000), and Anthropologie de la Danse: Genèse et Construction d'une Discipline, with Georgiana Gore (2005). Dr. Grau published forty-three articles and book chapters during her career (see
) and was working on a book manuscript, "Dance, Politics, and Ethics: Conversations with South Asian Dance" when she passed away suddenly.

Georgiana Gore is professor of anthropology of dance and bodily practices at the University of Clermont, Auvergne, France; and a member of the research center ACTé. She has established and coordinated several master's degree programs in the anthropology of dance and since 2017, has been the coordinating convener of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters program (EMJMD) Choreomundus: International Master in Dance Knowledge, Practice and Heritage, in collaboration with colleagues at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim; the University of Szeged, Hungary; and the University of Roehampton, London. She has undertaken fieldwork in southern Nigeria and in Europe, focusing mainly on the transmission of dances and the politics of embodiment (ritual and ceremonial dance among the Edo, rave, flash mob), as well as epistemological issues in the anthropology of dance (Anthropologie de la Danse: Genèse et Construction d'une Discipline, with Andrée Grau, 2005). She publishes in both French and English, with more recent collaborative contributions to the edited collections Fields in Motion: Ethnography in the Worlds of Dance (2011), The Interview: An Ethnographic Approach (2012), and (Re)Searching the Field. Festschrift in Honour of Egil Bakka (2014). She gave the 2016 Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) Blacking Lecture and has coauthored, with Andrée Grau, "The Anthropology of Dance," an essay to be published in the UNESCO encyclopedia Ethnology, Ethnography and Cultural Anthropology (in press, edited by Paolo Barbaro).



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